We Three Kings of Orient

Lewis Carroll
"The Walrus and the Carpenter" from Alice Through the Looking Glass
We're only going to be talking about the last topic mentioned in the quote: Kings. The Epiphany (El Día de Reyes) is fast approaching. Although in anglophone culture we don't have a festive day dedicated to Gaspard (bringer of gold), Melchior (bringer of frankincense) and Balthasar (bringer of myrrh), they are known and go by various different names: The Three Wise Men, The Biblical Magi and, most famously, The Three Kings. To mark the occasion, let's learn some common expressions with the word "King".
To be the King of something
A phrase given to a master or pioneer of something. The female version can be used with "queen". Eg. Elvis was crowned the King of Rock and Roll.
A king's ransom
A fortune. Eg. We had to pay a king's ransom to rent a flat in the city centre.
To live like a king
To live exceptionally well. Eg. My cat lives like a king. All he does is eat, sleep, play and receive lots of attention.
The King's English
Considered the highest and most educated form of British English. As the current ruling monarch is a queen, today's phrase is The Queen's English. Eg. You would never know he was foreign; he speaks the Queen's English.
Luxurious or delicious. Eg. Our hotel suite was fit for a king. The Christmas dinner was fit for a king.
As cocky as the King of Spades
Overly proud. Eg.The firm's CEO is as cocky as the King of Spades, just because he's earning a 8-figure salary!

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
I wish you all a Happy Kings' Day, and a prosperous 2019! I leave you with the first verse of an English Christmas carol about The Three Kings: