Robin del Bosque y desvelando el mito de las terminaciones -ed

Robin del Bosque, (Robin Hood en inglés), es una de las leyendas más famosas del folclore británico pero nadie sabe quien era. Por otro lado, existen normas para la pronunciación de las terminaciones -ed pero son poco conocidas. Aunque no os puedo revelar la verdadera identidad de Robin Hood, voy a desvelar los secretos de la pronunciación de verbos regulares en inglés con la ayuda del proscrito inglés más valiente.
Las normasHay dos normas y una excepción que memorizar. Aunque son complicadas siempre funcionan. En todos los tres casos es necesario mirar el infinitivo del verbo y la última consonante de ello.
1) Si el sonido de la última consonante es vocalizada*, la -ed suena como una d.
P.e. Robin Hood robbed the rich to feed the poor.
Robin Hood robó de los ricos para alimentar a los pobres.
2) Si el sonido de la última consonante no es vocalizada*, la -ed suena como una t.
P.e. Robin Hood launched an attack against the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Robin Hood lanzó un ataque contra el Alguacil de Nottingham.
* Una prueba rápida para saber si una consonante es vocalizada o no es de tocar la garganta mientras haces el sonido consonante. Si las cuerdas vocales vibran, la consonante es vocalizada, si no, no la es.
3) La excepción es si la última consonante es una t o una d, entonces la -ed suena como una id
P.e. Robin Hood protected Maid Marian from her cousin, Prince John.
Robin Hood protegió a la Doncella Marian de su primo, el Principe Juan.

Es probable que requiera práctica familiarizarse con las normas. Si te cuesta demasiado reconocer las consonantes vocalizadas, sólo con recordar la excepción te ayudará a mejorar bastante la pronunciación inglesa.
La identidad de Robin Hood
Para reforzar las normas de arriba, vamos a ponerlas en práctica con un texto en inglés sobre la leyenda de Robin Hood. A ver si podéis identificar la pronunciación de los verbos -ed.
Robin Hood is a legendary outlaw frequently featured in literature and film. According to legend, he was a highly skilled archer and swordsman. He is traditionally depicted dressed in green, with either a feathered hat or hood, and is said to have robbed from the rich and given to the poor. Variations created of the heroic tale have included characters such as his lover, Maid Marian, his band of outlaws, the Merry Men, and his main enemy, the Sheriff of Nottingham.
According to the legend, Robin Hood lived in Sherwood forest, however, noone knows the exact whereabouts as the forest stretched miles across the Northern English countryside. Neither do we know who he really was, which has been debated for centuries. There are numerous references to historical figures with similar names that have been proposed as possible evidence of his existence, some dating back to the late 13th century. It has even been suggested that "Robin Hood" was a medieval nickname used by outlaws in general who did not want to reveal their true identity.

Throughout the 20th Century, Robin Hood has been interpreted in various different ways in films, from a disney-animated fox to a recently-returned crussader with a Saracen side-kick. Despite the multitude of intrpretations, the only time Robin Hood has ever been played by an English actor on the big screen was in the Disney cartoon, when he was voiced by Brian Bedford. Nevertheless, Robin Hood will be hitting the cinemas again this November and we'll (finally!) have an English human actor this time, as the hero will be played by Taron Egerton.
If you're interested, you can check out the trailer here.